/i PowerCyber Labs - Iowa State University

Book Chapters & Newsletter

  • [1] S. Sridhar, G. Manimaran, and C. C. Liu, "Risk Analysis of Coordinated Cyber Attacks on Power Grid," Edited by A. Chakrabortty and M.D. Ilic (eds.), Control and Optimization Methods for Electric Smart Grids, 2012.

  • [2] Manimaran Govindarasu and Adam Hahn, "What the Power Industry Has to Learn about Cyber Vulnerability Disclosure", IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter, Jan. 2012.

  • [3] Aditya Ashok, Pengyuan Wang, and Manimaran Govindarasu, "Cyber-Physical Security Testbeds for an Attack-resilient Smart Grid",in Suryanarayanan, Hansen and Roche (Ed.): "Cyber-Physical-Social Systems and Constructs in Electric Power Engineering", The IET Press, Under review, 2016.

Journal Publications & Newsletter
  • [1] D. Basheer and G. Manimaran, "Novel hybrid schemes employing packet marking and logging for IP traceback," IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 403-418, May 2006

  • [2] D. Basheer and G. Manimaran, "Distributed packet pairing for reflector based DDoS attack mitigation," Computer Communications, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 2269-2280, Aug. 2006.[pdf]

  • [3] Z. Xie, G. Manimaran, V. Vittal, A. G. Phadke, and V. Centeno, "An information architecture for future power systems and its reliability analysis," IEEE Trans. on Power Syst., vol.17, no.3, pp.857-863, Aug. 2002[pdf]

  • [4] S. Holeman, G. Manimaran, J. Davis, and A. Chakrabarti, "Differentially secure multicasting and its implementation methods," Computers & Security, vol.21, no.8, pp.736-749, Nov. 2002.

  • [5] A. Chakrabarti and G. Manimaran, "Internet infrastructure security: A taxonomy," IEEE Network, vol.16, no.6, pp.13-21, Nov/Dec. 2002. (Acceptance rate: 20%)

  • [6] R. A. Leon, V. Vittal, and G. Manimaran, "Application of sensor network for secure electric energy infrastructure," IEEE Trans. on Power Del, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 1021 - 1028, Apr. 2007[pdf]

  • [7] C.-W. Ten, C.-C. Liu, and G. Manimaran, "Vulnerability assessment of cybersecurity for SCADA systems," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1836-1846, Nov. 2008.[pdf]

  • [8] S. Pudar, G. Manimaran, and C.-C. Liu, "A practical method and tool for integrated modeling of security attacks and counter measures," Computers & Security, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 754-771, Nov. 2009.[pdf]

  • [9] C.-W. Ten, G. Manimaran, and C.-C. Liu, "Cybersecurity for critical infrastructures: Attack and defense modeling," IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A, vol.40, no.4, pp.853-865, July 2010.[pdf]

  • [10] A. Hahn, G. Manimaran, "Cyber Attack Exposure Evaluation Framework for the Smart Grid," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 835-843, Nov. 2011.[pdf]

  • [11] S. Sridhar, A. Hahn, and G. Manimaran, "Cyber-physical system security for the electric power grid," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 210-224, Jan. 2012.[pdf]

  • [12] B. Fateh, G. Manimaran, and V. Ajjarapu, "Wireless sensor network for transmission line monitoring in smart grid," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, June 2013. [pdf]

  • [13] A. Hahn, A. Ashok, S. Siddharth, and G. Manimaran, "Cyber-Physical Security Testbeds: Architecture, Application, and Evaluation for Smart Grid," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, June 2013[pdf]

  • [14] S. Sridhar, and G. Manimaran, "Model-Based Attack Detection and Mitigation for Automatic Generation Control," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, March 2014[pdf]

  • [15] A. Ashok, A. Hahn, and G. Manimaran, "Cyber-physical security of Wide-Area Monitoring, Protection and Control in a smart grid environment," Journal of Advanced Research, July 2014.

  • [16] A. Ashok, G. Manimaran, and V. Ajjarapu, , "Online detection of cyber attacks in Power System State Estimation" IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, Accepted for publication, 2016.

Current Postdocs
  • Dr. Gelli Ravikumar, Postdoc [LinkedIn]

Current Students
  • Burhan Hyder, Ph.D.

  • Srayashi Konar, Ph.D.

  • Ashok, Aditya, Ph.D.

  • Wang, Pengyuan, Ph.D.

  • Singh, Vivek Kumar, Ph.D.

  • Ulrich, Jacob J, Ph.D.

  • Arunachalam, Subramanian, M.S.

  • Sarangan, Sri Krishna, M.S.

  • Perez Callupe, Steven V, M.S.

  • Drahos, Jacob M, M.S.

  • Ebrahem, Haythem E, M.S.

Previous Students
  • Adam Hahn, Ph.D.

  • Siddharth Sridhar, Ph.D.

  • Chee-Wooi Ten, Ph.D.

  • Mohammad Fraiwan, Ph.D.

  • Jie Yan, Ph.D.

  • Srdjan Pudar, M.S.

  • Brown, Matthew, M.S.

  • Krishnaswamy, Sujatha, M.S.

  • Pappa, Aswin Chidambaram, M.S.

  • Ryan Eikanger, REU Student

Cyber-Physical Systems Security of the Smart Grid

The electric power grid is a highly automated network that uses a variety of sensors, information and control systems, and communication networks for the purpose of monitoring, protection and control of the grid. In recent years, there has been a growing threat of cyber-based attacks in numbers and sophistication on the nation’s electric grid and other critical infrastructure systems. Therefore, cyber security of the power grid — encompassing attack prevention, detection, mitigation, resilience, and atribuiton — is among the most important research issues today and in the future.

Our research focus

Cyber-physical systems framework for risk modeling, risk mitigation, and attack-resilient protection and control algorithms that account for dynamics of the physical system as well as the operational aspects of the control network.
Book Chapters & Newsletter
  • [1] S. Sridhar, G. Manimaran, and C. C. Liu, "Risk Analysis of Coordinated Cyber Attacks on Power Grid," Edited by A. Chakrabortty and M.D. Ilic (eds.), Control and Optimization Methods for Electric Smart Grids, 2012.

  • [2] Manimaran Govindarasu and Adam Hahn, "What the Power Industry Has to Learn about Cyber Vulnerability Disclosure", IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter, Jan. 2012.

  • [3] Aditya Ashok, Pengyuan Wang, and Manimaran Govindarasu, "Cyber-Physical Security Testbeds for an Attack-resilient Smart Grid",in Suryanarayanan, Hansen and Roche (Ed.): "Cyber-Physical-Social Systems and Constructs in Electric Power Engineering", The IET Press, Under review, 2016.

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